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FAQ > Investor: General and Onboarding > What is the difference between Individual and Corporate account?

What is the difference between Individual and Corporate account?

What is a Individual Investor?

An Individual Investor Identity refers to the personal identification details of a person who invests their own money in financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, rather than investing on behalf of a company or organization. This identity typically includes personal information that verifies the investor's identity and eligibility to participate in investment activities.

What is a Corporate Investor?

A corporate investor refers to a company or organization that invests capital in other companies, projects, or financial instruments with the goal of generating returns. Unlike individual investors, corporate investors use their business funds and resources to make these investments. Corporate investors often have larger sums of money to invest, and more strategic approach to their investments.

Difference between Individual and Corporate account?

You can sign up as an individual or corporate to do investment. The main difference is as below:

Individual Investor Corporate Investor
  • Invest for yourself
  • Assets held under individual


  • Invest on behalf of a corporate entity
  • Assets held under registered business name
  • Only applicable to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) , Private Limited Company (Sdn. Bhd.) and Limited Company (Bhd.)