What you should know to be an Issuer in Mystartr?
You may also need to know: ECF General: For Issuer
Q: What is my role during the campaign period?
A proper marketing plan makes a substantial difference on a fund-raising result. Thus, you are advised to fully utilise the power of Internet and social media in promoting your campaign online and offline to increase public awareness of your campaign.
Q: What is the role of Mystartr?
Mystartr will provide end-to-end support system by monitoring and facilitating the campaigns, transactions and/or any communication between the Issuers and the Investors. You may keep in touch with Mystartr so that Mystartr may be able to assist you from time to time.
Q: When will my campaign be approved and hosted on Mystartr's ECF Platform?
Mystartr will perform the necessary due diligence and review process to ensure that all disclosure documents lodged by the Issuer are true and accurate and to assess whether the Issuer's business meets the eligibility criteria set by us. Your campaign will be hosted when all the information are verified and you have passed through Mystartr's internal assessment.
Q: What if I need help for writing content in my business proposal?
Mystartr's team can assist in writing your business proposals and ideas. However, there might be charges depending on what type of service provided by Mystartr to you.
Q: What are the fees charged on me?
A success fee equivalent to eight percent (8%) of the total funds raised through Mystartr’s ECF Platform will be charged on you ("Success Fee"). On top of that, there will be a non-refundable processing fee and LLP set up fee charges on Issuer. The Success Fee will be deducted from the total funding and the remaining balance will be released to you from Mystartr's trustee.
- More info: ECF Fees