TY Market - Building the Leading Platform to Provide Fresh Ingredients | 打造餐饮食材一站式采购首选平台
Become the leading fresh produce platform in Malaysia 成为大马领先的生鲜采购平台
Raised 126%
RM 300,000 target
RM 378,625 from 19 investors
Business Overview
TYTX Market Sdn Bhd
Company number
Lim See Nee
Social Media
Investment Summary
Ordinary Shares
Max target amount
RM 500,000
Investment Packages
RM 500

Thank you for investing in us!

You will also receive these shares:

  • Type of share: Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares (RCPS)
  • Maturity Period: 3 years
  • Number of shares: 500
  • Subscription Price per share: RM 1.00

500 x RM 1.00 = RM 500


Additional rewards:

  • Vouchers worth RM 500


Remarks / Terms & Conditions: 

  • Vouchers are not transferable nor assignable by A, B and C and subject to the maximum claim of RM20 per transaction/receipt of not less than RM100.
  • RM 20 Voucher x 25 Piece(s)
RM 5,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive these shares:

  • Type of share: Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares (RCPS)

  • Maturity Period: 3 years

  • Number of shares: 5,000

  • Subscription Price per share: RM 1.00

5,000 x RM 1.00 = RM 5,000


Additional rewards:

  • Vouchers worth RM 5,000

  • 5.0% Interest per Annum


Remarks / T&C

  • Vouchers are not transferable nor assignable by A, B and C and subject to the maximum claim of RM20 per transaction/receipt of not less than RM100. 

  • RM 20 Voucher x 250 Piece(s)

  • Interest to be paid annually in the following year respective of each year.

  • The Issuer may also at their sole discretion, declare dividends up to 20% of PAT to investors of Package B and Package C during the tenure of investment.

RM 20,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive these shares:

  • Type of share: Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares (RCPS)

  • Maturity Period: 3 years

  • Number of shares: 20,000

  • Subscription Price per share: RM 1.00

20,000 x RM 1.00 = RM 20,000


Additional rewards:

  • Vouchers worth RM 20,000

  • 5.0% Interest per Annum


Remarks / T&C

  • Vouchers are not transferable nor assignable by A, B and C and subject to the maximum claim of RM20 per transaction/receipt of not less than RM100. 

  • RM 20 Voucher x 1,000 Piece(s)

  • Interest to be paid annually in the following year respective of each year.

  • The Issuer may also at their sole discretion, declare dividends up to 20% of PAT to investors of Package B and Package C during the tenure of investment.

RM 75,625

Thank you for investing in us!

You will also receive these shares:

  • Type of share: Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares (RCPS)
  • Maturity Period: 3 years
  • Number of shares: 75,625
  • Subscription Price per share: RM 1.00

75,625 x RM 1.00 = RM 75,625.00


Additional rewards:  Customized