SHOPLOOOH - 赋予女性内外兼修的自信力量 Empower Lady with the Self-Confidence in Immanence and Extrinsic
SHOPLOOOH品牌鲜明的表现出女性的个性与生活方式; 具有特色的风格传达出女性独特的形象和讯息,让简约、舒适的风格融入生活点滴, 完美诠释新时代女性对自由的追求与向往。
Raised 241%
RM 1,000,000 target
RM 2,413,000 from 396 investors
Business and Investment Overview
Social Media
Investment Summary
Campaign Start Date
4 May 2021
Campaign End Date
23 May 2021
Minimum Funding Target
RM 1,000,000
Maximum Funding Target
RM 2,400,000
The campaign was succesfully funded in 23 May 2021
Investment Packages
RM 396,000

Thank you for investing in us!

You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of Share: 39,600
  • Price per share: RM10.00

39,600 x RM10.00= RM396,000


Additional rewards: customized

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RM 1,500

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 150
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

150 x RM10.00 = RM1,500

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 5%
  • Additional Reward worth RM150
  • SHOPLOOOH Existing Lady / Queen / Goddess Members will received an E-gift card worth RM75 (before 14/5/2021)
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RM 5,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

500 x RM10.00 = RM5,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 5%
  • Additional Reward worth RM500
  • SHOPLOOOH Existing Lady / Queen / Goddess Members will received an E-gift card worth RM250 (before 14/5/2021)
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RM 10,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 1,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

1,000 x RM10.00 = RM10,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 10%
  • Additional Reward worth RM1,000
  • SHOPLOOOH Existing Lady / Queen / Goddess Members will received an E-gift card worth RM500 (before 14/5/2021)
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RM 25,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 2,500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

2,500 x RM10.00 = RM25,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 10%
  • Additional Reward worth RM2,500
  • SHOPLOOOH Existing Lady / Queen / Goddess Members will received an E-gift card worth RM1,250 (before 14/5/2021)
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RM 50,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 5,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

5,000 x RM10.00 = RM50,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 15%
  • Additional Reward worth RM5,000
  • SHOPLOOOH Existing Lady / Queen / Goddess Members will received an E-gift card worth RM2,500 (before 14/5/2021)
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RM 1,500

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 150
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

150 x RM10.00 = RM1,500

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 5%
  • Additional Reward worth RM150
  • Early Bird Reward worth RM75 
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RM 5,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

500 x RM10.00 = RM5,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 5%
  • Additional Reward worth RM500
  • Early Bird Reward worth RM250 
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RM 10,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 1,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

1,000 x RM10.00 = RM10,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 10%
  • Additional Reward worth RM1,000
  • Early Bird Reward worth RM500 
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RM 50,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 5,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

5,000 x RM10.00 = RM50,000

Additional rewards:

  • 3 Years VIP Discount 15%
  • Additional Reward worth RM5,000
  • Early Bird Reward worth RM2,500 
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