Golden Bons - 以健康为口号,打造低脂健康生活的食品家 To create a low-fat food with the slogan of Healthy
屹立业界近20年,从初创时期只经营一间小型Cafe和夜市小食档起家,今时今日拥有设备齐全的食品加工工厂,4间遍布中南马策略性商业区的批发零售店,专攻健康低脂食品,创下了近3000万令吉的年销售额! 在接下来的年内,创办人Andy Low计划在 全国各个州属开拓高达64间批发零售店,以及计划 在2022年以特许加盟经营权的商业模式发放16家的特许经营权 ,从而帮助有意创业的年轻人有效的开展经营事业。
Raised 188%
RM 800,000 target
RM 1,509,370 from 155 investors
Business and Investment Overview
Social Media
Investment Summary
Campaign Start Date
11 May 2021
Campaign End Date
11 Jun 2021
Minimum Funding Target
RM 800,000
Maximum Funding Target
RM 3,000,000
The campaign was succesfully funded in 11 Jun 2021
Investment Packages
RM 294,370

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

Type of share: Ordinary Shares

Number of share: 29,437

Price per share: RM 10.00

29,437 x RM10.00 = RM294,370


Additional rewards: customized

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RM 2,500

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 250
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

250 x RM10.00 = RM2,500

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM250
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RM 5,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

500 x RM10.00 = RM5,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM500
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RM 10,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 1,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

1,000 x RM10.00 = RM10,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM1,000
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RM 25,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 2,500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

2,500 x RM10.00 = RM25,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM2,500
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RM 50,000

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 5,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

5,000 x RM10.00 = RM50,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM5,000
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RM 2,500

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 250
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

250 x RM10.00 = RM2,500

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM250
  • Early Bird Product Package worth RM75 
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RM 5,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

500 x RM10.00 = RM5,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM500
  • Early Bird Product Package worth RM150 
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RM 10,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 1,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

1,000 x RM10.00 = RM10,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM1,000
  • Early Bird Product Package worth RM300 
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RM 25,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 2,500
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

2,500 x RM10.00 = RM25,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM2,500
  • Early Bird Product Package worth RM750 
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RM 50,000

* Early Bird Promotion * 

Thank you for investing in us! You will also receive this share:

  • Type of share: Ordinary Shares
  • Number of share: 5,000
  • Price per share: RM 10.00

5,000 x RM10.00 = RM50,000

Additional rewards:

  • Reward voucher worth RM5,000
  • Early Bird Product Package worth RM1,500 
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