My Tips
So, how can I make my project stand out?

At any given time there are thousands of live projects on Kickstarter. If you’ve got a great idea, these tips will help you make sure it gets the attention it deserves. 

  1. Pick a really good project image — it’s the first thing people see! 

  2. Proofread. Don't be afraid to ask someone to edit you — having clean, solid text on your page makes your project look pro. If you're writing in more than one language, try to keep things neat so it's easy to navigate.
  3. Get creative with your project video. And take the opportunity to really make your pitch. There's no need to be fancy (unless you want to be!) — just tell a compelling story and let your personality shine through.
  4. Make interesting, shareable updates. Update regularly and consider adding photos, videos, or audio to your posts. If your updates are share-worthy, you could reel in more backers from all over.
  5. Have a good idea, and express it well. Be clear and concise, but thorough. Show you've done your homework. Think about the elements you're sharing on your project page. 

  6. Get your backers involved! You can ask them to do things like vote on character names, or design part of actors’ costumes... Or try creating a hashtag that backers can use to spread the love.
  7. Tend to the details of presentation. Show those gorgeous things you're making in a neat package. Take well-lit photos. Write your story in a way makes people want to be involved. Make your project page extra beautiful, like Lora did:

  8. Don’t focus just on the money. Emphasize your creative output and show the world why what you’re doing is cool, and why supporting your project is different from shopping. The very best projects aren't a buying experience — they create culture.
  9. Don’t underestimate the power of engaging rewards — and do think outside the box! Need some help getting started? Check out this blog post with 96 reward ideas.

Sid Orlando  (04 Jun,2015). So, how can I make my project stand out?. Retrieved from
