Turning our greatest passion into a real business
It is baffling that football, which is arguably the most popular sporting hobby in the country remains so far behind in the availability of full-fledged football pitches and centres.
RM 800,000 target
RM 848,000 from 0 investors
Business Overview
Company number
Social Media
Investment Summary
Max target amount
RM 1,500,000
Investment Packages
RM 800,000

What you get:


• 80,000 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

80,000 units x RM10.00 = RM800,000

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years


• Additional rewards: customized                              

• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 1,500

What you get:

• 150 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

150 units x RM10.00 = RM1,500

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

• RM425 worth of cash voucher redeemable over the next 5 years


• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 4,500

What you get:

• 450 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

450 units x RM10.00 = RM4,500

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

• RM1,275 worth of cash voucher redeemable over the next 5 years


• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 10,500

What you get:

• 1,050 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

1,050 units x RM10.00 = RM10,500

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

• RM2,975 worth of cash voucher redeemable over the next 5 years


• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 21,000

What you get:

• 2,100 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

2,100 units x RM10.00 = RM21,000

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

• RM5,950 worth of cash voucher redeemable over the next 5 years


• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 42,000

What you get:

• 4,200 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

4,200 units x RM10.00 = RM42,000

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 9% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

• RM11,900 worth of cash voucher redeemable over the next 5 years


• 12% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years

RM 1,500

Super Early Bird Deal!

Receive 15% returns instead of 12% 


What you get:

• 150 units of Redeemable Convertible Preference shares

• Rates at RM10.00 per share.

150 units x RM10.00 = RM1,500

• Pre money valuation of RM5,600,000.00


Your Return of Investment:

• 15% returns per annum. Paid out every 6 months, for the next 5 years